We Must Fix Our Levees NOW

I was very concerned to see that the U.S. Corps of Engineers has deemed the safety of Dallas’ levees “unacceptable.” The Corps revised their safety standards after the Katrina tragedy, and re-evaluated Dallas’ levees under this new system. They announced the results of their review yesterday.

I was surprised that our levees failed to meet the new standards since the Mayor just got back from lobbying our Congressional delegation to pressure the Corps into speeding up their safety evaluation of the Trinity toll road, which is to be built within the levees. If you’ve been following this issue, you know that no major road like this has ever been built within a levee system. Knowing that our levees do not meet the Corps’ new safety standards, I think it’s irresponsible to lobby the Corps to speed up what should be a thoughtful, deliberate safety review of an untested engineering design like the toll road. Rushing to pour millions of tons of concrete into an already unsafe levee system is a dangerous plan that could have dire consequences. Continue reading

Want to Collect Signatures for My Re-Election?

I’ll be running for re-election to the City Council in May, and must collect signatures to file for a place on the ballot. If you’d like to help me, you can download the form. Note that it must be printed on legal size paper, and (more importantly), only registered voters who are residents of District 14 may sign. You also have to have the petition pages notarized when you’ve finished gathering signatures (not each signature has to be notarized, just your affidavit swearing that you explained to people what they were signing).

I have to turn in the forms next week, so I’ll need to get the forms back by next Monday. Just shoot me an email at angela@angelahunt.com if you can help and I will arrange to have the forms picked up from you. I appreciate your help!